How to Configure Access Point in Packet tracer

An access point is a network device used to create a wireless local area network. Access points help mobile devices connect to a network using WiFi technology, allowing multiple users to use the network without the need for a network administrator to manually configure the host devices each time.

In this post, I will be showing you how to configure access points in a packet tracer.

Here is a video on how to configure access point in packet tracer

Network Topology

To demonstrate fully how to configure access point, we will be using the network topology below. As you can see, the network consists of a router, an access point, and a laptop. In this demonstration, we will configure DHCP on the router, configure the access point to broadcast a wireless signal, and configure the laptop to connect to the wifi signal broadcasted by the access point.

Network topology

Recommended: How to add Access point to Packet tracer

How to Configure Access Point in Packet tracer

Here are steps to configure access point in packet tracer;

Step 1: Configure the interface of the router

Enter the following command to configure the interface of the router

Router#configure terminal
Router(config)#int g0/0/0
Router(config-if)#ip address
Router(config-if)#no shut

Step 2: Configure DHCP server on the router

For host devices to be able to connect to the access point automatically, we need to configure the router as a DHCP server or add a dedicated server for this function.

Enter the following command to configure the router as a DHCP server;

Router(config)#ip dhcp excluded-address
Router(config)#ip dhcp pool Pool_1

If you want to learn more about the above commands, read our post on; How to configure DHCP on packet tracer.

 Step 3: Configure the Access point

Access points do not need much configuration; for access points to start broadcasting wireless signals, you just need to navigate to the “config tab>Pot 1,” enter your desired SSID, select channel width, enter coverage range, select authentication protocol, enter the security key and then turn on the port status.

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configuring access port

Step 4: Connect the host devices

The only host device that is in our network topology is a laptop. To allow it to connect to an access point using the WiFi signal, we need to remove the Ethernet module and add the wireless module.

connecting laptop to access point

Now navigate to wireless configuration by going to Desktop>PC wireless.

selecting wireless devices

Then search for the network and connect;

connecting to the wifi

Then you will be prompted to enter the security key you created while configuring the access point.

Entering the security key

Because DHCP is configured on the router, this laptop will automatically obtain an IP address and, therefore, can be reached from other network devices.

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