How to Add Firewall in Cisco Packet tracer

Most network devices are hidden in packet tracer, and sometimes they can be very hard to find, especially if you are trying to use them for the first time. And a firewall is one of them

In this post, I am going to show you How to Add Firewall in Cisco Packet tracer so that you can configure it or do whatever you want with it.

How to Add Firewall in Cisco Packet tracer

Here are steps to add firewall in cisco packet tracer;

Step 1: Select “Network devices”

After launching the packet tracer software, select “Network devices” from the bottom left hand side of the simulation window.

selecting network devices

Step 2: Select “Security”

After selecting network devices, a security icon will appear at the bottom right corner, as shown in the image below. Select it.

select security Icon

Step 3: Drag and drop the firewall to packet tracer

Once you select “security devices,” two firewall models, “model 5506” and “model 5505”, will be loaded. Drag the one you need and add it to the simulation window.

drag and drop firewall to the simulation window

Step 4: Configure it.

After adding the firewall to the packet tracer, as we have shown you above, you can use a network cable to join it to other network devices and begin your configuration by tapping on it.

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