How to Configure DHCP on Layer 2 Switch in Packet Tracer

The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) automates the assignment of IP addresses to host devices on a network.

A DHCP pool, which is a pool of the range of available IP addresses, is created on the DHCP server. This server leases IP addresses from the pool to any device with DHCP enabled on the network.

Traditionally, a dedicated server is employed for DHCP; however, various network devices can also serve as DHCP servers. This includes routers, Layer 3 switches, and even Layer 2 switches.

In this post, I’ll guide you on how to configure DHCP on the Layer 2 switch in the packet tracer.

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Network Topology

The network topology we will be making use of in this post is shown in the image below. As you can see, it consists of a layer 2 switch and 4 PCs attached to the switch. In this demonstration, we will configure DHCP on the layer 2 switch so that it will automatically lease IP addresses to the PCs once DHCP is enabled on them.

Network topology comprising of layer 2 switch and PCs

How to Configure DHCP on Layer 2 Switch

The steps to configure DHCP on a layer 2 switch are the same as the steps to configure it on a router or on a layer 3 switch, except that you need to assign an IP address to the VLAN interface of the layer 2 switch.

Here are the steps to configure DHCP on layer 2 switch:

Step 1: Assign IP address to the VLAN interface

In our network, we have VLAN1 which is the default VLAN that exist in every switch. Once host devices is connected to the switch, it will have access to this VLAN. If you have a network having multiple VLANS, you can check our post on how to Configure DHCP Server For Multiple VLANS.

Enter the following commands to assign IP address to VLAN1

Switch#configure terminal
Switch(config)#interface vlan 1
Switch(config-if)#ip address
Switch(config-if)#no shut

Step 2: Configure the Layer 2 Switch as DHCP server

Now that the layer 2 switch has an IP address on its VLAN 1 interface, we can configure it as a DHCP server. The commands are as follows:

Switch(config-if)#ip dhcp excluded-address
Switch(config)#ip dhcp pool MyPool

 Step 3: Configure all PCs as DHCP Client

For each of the PCs existing on the network, go to Desktop>IP Configuration

Go to IP configuration

Then enable DHCP, and the PC will obtain an IP address from the DHCP server.

Enabling DHCP on the PC

Repeat the above step for each of the PCs existing on the network.

Step 4: Test connectivity

Open the command prompt of one of the PCs and ping the IP address of another PC; you should get a reply.

Pinging PC0 from PC3

Here is a video on how to configure DHCP on layer 2 switch;

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