How to Configure Access Ports on Cisco Switch Packet Tracer

Access ports play a crucial role in connecting end devices to a specific VLAN within a switch.  In this article, I will show you how to configure access ports on a Cisco switch using Packet Tracer.

Network Topology

In the network topology depicted below, we showcase a simplified setup consisting of a switch connected to a router. This topology is used for demonstration purposes and may differ in real-world scenarios.

In the topology, We created two separate VLANs, VLAN 10 and VLAN 20, and connected them to the switch. We have also included PC6 and PC7 in VLAN 10, and PC5 in VLAN 20. In this post, I will create access ports for VLAN 10 and VLAN 20.

network topology showing a router, a switch and host devices connected to the switch

Step-by-Step Guide To Configuring Access Ports on Cisco Switch

The following step-by-step guide outlines the process to configure access ports on a Cisco switch using Packet Tracer. It should be noted that the actual configurations may vary based on specific network requirements and device models.

ALSO READ:  How to Configure Trunk Port on Cisco Switch Packet Tracer

Step-1 Configure Router Assign the appropriate IP address to the router.

Step-2 Configure hosts: Assign appropriate IP addresses to all the PCs in the network
Step-3 Create vlans: Enter the global configuration mode of the switch and execute the following commands to create VLAN 10 and VLAN 20:

vlan 10
vlan 20

Step 4: Configure Access Ports for vlan 10: Enter interface range configuration mode and specify the range of interfaces to which you want to assign VLAN 10. Then Set the interfaces to access mode and assign VLAN 10 to them.

interface range f0/2, f0/3
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 10

Step-5: Create access port for vlan 20:

ALSO READ:  How to Configure Native VLAN on Cisco Switch Packet Tracer

Enter the following command to assign vlan 20 to f0/1 interface

interface f0/1
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 20

Step-5(verify connectivity)

Open the Command Line Interface (CLI) of one of the PCs within VLAN 10 and ping another PC within the same VLAN to verify connectivity.

If the ping was successful, you should see something like this;

An image showing ping reply on pc cmd on cisco packet tracer

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